
(Yet another) new blog

Usually the first post in a blog serves very little value to the reader and I won't be doing any kind of exceptions here. For what it's worth, I wrote my first HTML blog / home page before I even had a modem in around 1994, and continued the effort on a "hypertext platform" I wrote in QBasic (which, in the end, never got functionality updates after basic directory listing and hyperlink support was there). I finally got interested in "dynamic" web technologies (SSI, PHP) few years later. After that, I've mostly sticked with "backend technologies", i.e. something where you don't need to worry about awfully buggy legacy browsers. I've had some sort of blog / site up since those early days, usually with more or less interesting open source content and random thoughts. I can't remember how many blog instances I've created along the years, but usually the old ones have died gracefully.

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